+358 10 299 6030 digipool@digipool.fi

“Who you gonna call?” like Ghostbusters put it their theme song.

Global workforce displacement refers to the significant and widespread disruptions in the job market caused by various factors, including technological advancements, economic shifts, and global events. These disruptions can result in job losses, changes in employment patterns, and the displacement of workers. Several key drivers contribute to global workforce displacement:

  1. Automation and Technology: Automation, artificial intelligence, and robotics are increasingly replacing routine and manual tasks in various industries. This automation can lead to job displacement, especially for workers in jobs that are highly repetitive and rule-based.
  2. Globalization: The interconnectedness of the global economy has led to the outsourcing of jobs to countries with lower labor costs. This can result in job displacement in high-cost regions.
  3. Economic Recessions and Downturns: Economic downturns, such as recessions and financial crises, can lead to layoffs and job losses as businesses cut costs to survive.
  4. Pandemics: Events like the COVID-19 pandemic have caused widespread disruptions in the job market. Lockdowns, travel restrictions, and economic uncertainty have led to job losses in sectors like hospitality, tourism, and retail.
  5. Environmental and Climate Change: Efforts to combat climate change may lead to job displacement in certain industries, such as fossil fuels, while creating opportunities in green and renewable energy sectors.
  6. Changing Consumer Preferences: Shifts in consumer behavior and preferences can lead to the decline of traditional industries and the rise of new ones, affecting employment patterns.
  7. Demographic Changes: Aging populations in many countries can create labor shortages in certain industries while displacing older workers.

Addressing global workforce displacement requires a multi-faceted approach:

  1. Reskilling and Upskilling: Governments, businesses, and educational institutions must invest in programs to help workers acquire new skills and transition into emerging industries.
  2. Labor Market Flexibility: Policies that promote labor market flexibility can help workers adapt to changing job opportunities more easily.
  3. Safety Nets: Strong social safety nets, including unemployment benefits and retraining programs, can provide a buffer for displaced workers.
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship can lead to the creation of new businesses and industries, which can absorb displaced workers.
  5. International Cooperation: Global challenges, such as job displacement caused by automation and climate change, require international cooperation to find sustainable solutions.
  6. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Governments and businesses should use data and analysis to anticipate and respond to workforce displacement trends effectively.

Addressing global workforce displacement is essential for maintaining economic stability and social cohesion. By proactively managing these challenges, countries and organizations can help workers transition into the jobs of the future and build a more resilient and adaptable workforce.

Workforce relocation,

also known as employee relocation or corporate relocation, refers to the process of moving employees from one location to another for work-related reasons. This can occur for various purposes, including company expansion, opening new offices, project assignments, mergers and acquisitions, or talent recruitment. Employee relocation typically involves both domestic and international moves and may include various elements such as housing, transportation, and support services. Here are key aspects to consider when it comes to workforce relocation:

1. Reasons for Relocation:

  • Expansion: When a company opens new offices or branches in different geographic locations.
  • Project Assignments: Temporary or long-term relocation of employees to work on specific projects.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: Employees may need to relocate when companies merge or are acquired.
  • Talent Recruitment: Employers sometimes relocate new hires with specialized skills.
  • Cost Reduction: Companies may relocate operations to areas with lower labor or operational costs.

2. Planning and Logistics:

  • Housing: Providing suitable housing for relocated employees, which may include temporary accommodations.
  • Transportation: Organizing the logistics of moving employees and their families, including arranging transportation and visas for international relocations.
  • Support Services: Offering relocation packages that cover aspects like spousal employment assistance, cultural training, and language support.
  • Legal and Immigration: Ensuring that employees have the necessary work permits and visas when moving across borders.

3. Cost Considerations:

  • Relocations can be costly, and companies must weigh the benefits of relocation against the expenses involved.
  • Cost-benefit analysis is essential to determine whether a relocation is financially justified.

4. Employee Support:

  • Employee well-being and satisfaction are crucial during relocations.
  • Offering support services, including counseling and assistance with family needs, can help employees adjust to their new location.

5. Legal and Compliance:

  • Complying with local labor laws, immigration regulations, and tax requirements is essential when relocating employees.
  • Contracts and agreements should be reviewed to address relocation terms.

6. Communication:

  • Effective communication with relocated employees is vital to ensure they understand the purpose, process, and support available during relocation.

7. Return or Permanent Placement:

  • Determine whether the relocation is temporary or permanent, and communicate this clearly to employees.
  • In some cases, employees may return to their original location after completing their assignment.

8. Cultural and Environmental Adaptation:

  • Relocated employees may need cultural training to adapt to their new surroundings and work environments.

Workforce relocation can be a complex process, and it requires careful planning and execution to ensure a smooth transition for both employees and the organization. By providing necessary support and addressing the needs of relocated employees, companies can maximize the success of workforce relocation initiatives.

Digipool offers full range of relocation services to Finland

Relocation services are comprehensive packages of assistance provided to individuals or employees who are moving from one location to another, whether it’s for personal reasons like a home move or for professional purposes like a job relocation. These services are designed to make the transition smoother and less stressful. The specific services offered can vary depending on the relocation company and the needs of the individual or organization, but here are some common relocation services that we offer to our clients:

  1. Home Search Services: Assistance in finding suitable housing in the new location, whether it’s a rental property or a home purchase support with property viewings and negotiations. Providing information on neighborhoods and schools.
  2. Temporary Housing: Arranging temporary accommodation for the individual or family until permanent housing is secured.
  3. Orientation Services: Providing an orientation to the new location, including information on local amenities, transportation, healthcare, and educational institutions.
  4. Cultural and Language Training: Offering cultural training to help individuals adapt to the customs, culture, and language of the new location.
  5. School Search Assistance: Assisting families in finding suitable schools for their children, including public, private, or international schools.
  6. Immigration and Visa Support: Assisting with the necessary paperwork and legal requirements for immigration or work visas.
  7. Household Goods Moving: Arranging for the packing, transportation, and unpacking of personal belongings and household goods.
  8. Pet Relocation: Assisting with the relocation of pets, including arranging transportation and ensuring compliance with pet import regulations.
  9. Spousal and Family Support: Providing support for spouses or partners in finding employment opportunities in the new location.Offering services to address the needs of accompanying family members.
  10. Settling-in Services: Assistance with setting up utilities, opening bank accounts, and obtaining local identification documents.
  11. Expense Management: Managing expenses related to the relocation, including reimbursement and financial counseling.
  12. Repatriation Services: Providing support when the assignment or move ends, including assistance in returning to the home country or relocating to another location.
  13. 24/7 Support: Offering round-the-clock support for any unexpected issues or emergencies that may arise during the relocation process.
  14. Destination Services: Providing support for individuals or families in adapting to their new environment, including finding social and recreational activities.
  15. Policy Consulting: Assisting organizations in developing or refining relocation policies to meet their specific needs.

Relocation services are particularly valuable for international relocations, corporate relocations, and expatriate assignments. These services aim to minimize the stress and challenges associated with moving to a new location, helping individuals and families settle into their new surroundings more comfortably. Businesses often use our services to attract and retain talent, especially for global assignments, by providing comprehensive support to their employees and their families.