Helping Businesses IN their Digital Growth
– with right professionals in right positions the businesses can grow. Digipool is the right partner to find the right talent, both locally and globally.
Helping Digital Business Professionals with their next career move
– even though we are contacting potential candidates based on the assignments from our clients, the communication is based on discussions with the candidates. We like to know how they see their career path and what the next step might be.

Quite often an employer which has potential to be our client has published job advertisements and simultaneously interviewed people they already knew from their sources, but no results. There simply are no candidates or there are many but not one that matches the criteria. Lots of time spent and lots of effort has been put into campaigning. Many might have also tried a hunter or a “hunter” since it is not easy to pick the right one to do the job. Quite often the big agencies invoice a lot but do not achieve results if the need is very specific – the small ones might not be specialized in a way that matches the requirement for the search.
Sounds familiar? Yes, we have heard this story a thousand times.
Digipool is our pool of People We Know. That is true. It just doesn’t literally mean that there is a limited bunch of people we try to offer. It is from where we start to execute the assignment: always check first who do we know already and if they are available. The most time-consuming part is the talent search through LinkedIn Recruiter Professional and other tools & cold contacting the prospects. The profiles in LinkedIn or elsewhere are not perfect so the search results can’t be either. We must contact the potential ones and try to open conversation concerning their skills and career goals. They do not have and even can’t have everything on their profiles. We do use Artificial Intelligence, but here it can’t replace human and human logic. Also, for an employer it can’t be a solution to buy a license for search tool since there must be someone that must be able and skilled enough to spend days and weeks with it. So, why not to outsource the search process to us? Agree?
The assignment for Direct Search is confidential – no job advertisements published. Also, exact phases in our talent search process are confidential. We don’t wish to publish all the tips and tricks. But we would like to discuss with any employer having difficulties in finding the right people. The location can be in Finland, Northern Europe or actually anywhere in the free world. Our connections and networks are global. Try us!
Planning to go global with your candidate search? If you are having difficulty finding a professional in Finland, we can assist you in locating qualified professionals anywhere in the world.
It is time consuming to arrange residence permits, do all the paperwork, apartment search and all the general arrangements. Let’s just simply agree that in addition to just find the right talent we also bring them to you and arrange everything.
We offer certain packages for a single person, for couples and for families. The expense is added to our Direct Search/Recruitment fee.
Want to get an offer?
If you wish to read more information about relocation, read our blog: why do you need relocation service?
“Sain keväällä 2021 puhelun Digipoolilta. En ollut aikeissa vaihtaa uuteen työpaikkaan mutta olin utelias kuulemaan toimenkuvasta, joka vaikuttaisi sopivan minulle hyvin. Kävimme useampia keskusteluja ja kartoitin työssä menestymisen potentiaalia ja pääsinkin yritykseen haastatteluun. Kaikki kävi yllättävän nopeasti ja solmin jo kesäkuussa uuden työsopimuksen. Elokuussa alkoi mielenkiintoiset uudet haasteet ja minä ja yritys olemme olleet tyytyväisiä.”
“Digipool lähestyi minua, ja esitteli kiinnostavan auki olevan tehtävän omalta alaltani. Kiinnostuin heti, ja kun prosessi eteni haastatteluvaiheeseen, Digipoolilta informoitiin minua välittömästi. Sain selkeät ohjeet jatkotoimenpiteisiin ja minulla tuli olo, että rekrytoinnin langat ovat hyvissä käsissä. Rekrytointiprosessi oli kaikenkaikkiaan sujuva ja Digipoolin henkilöstö toimi ammattimaisesti. Kokonaisuudesta jäi hyvä fiilis!”
For candidates
Finding the right job can be a tedious endeavour, especially if your knowledge and/or resources are limited to public job advertisements, which govern a tiny fraction of channels in the job market. With our services like Direct search and Headhunting, you aren’t sanctioned to opportunities that are only publicly available, but are pooled into job openings from all channels of the job market.
Digipool’s extensive network has an array of clients including, but not limited to, companies who would choose to maintain their privacy whilst in the middle of their recruiting. By continuously using the Digipool network alongside our AI-powered modules, the searching capabilities provide better results in matching the right talent with opportunities.
For employers
In most of our cases, to reach the best results we use Direct Search instead of the traditional job advertisements. With Direct Search, our professionals seek out for just the right profiles with the help of our data science and vast international network. With our constantly growing talent pool, our searches lead to faster results.
We tailor each case to fit the client’s needs and plan the recruitment process so that it meets your projected deadline. We serve both large international companies and technology start-ups.
To match your needs and exceed any expectation, Digipool services include (but are not limited to): outsourcing project managers and recruitment consultants for your short-term needs; we can also find a suitable freelancer for your coding project or even a whole team working remotely from abroad. And because the right experts are an integral part of growth and internationalization, we can also help relocating from anywhere in the world.
We allways tailor our service to suit our client’s needs, schedule and budget. Let’s start by planning and we will find the right way to find the right talent.
If possible we personally visit your company and we try our best to know you and your team to be able to represent your organization.
In most of cases Direct Search is the most efficient way to screen the potential ones out masses.